Fine Arts Festival Sign Ups
to Feb 17

Fine Arts Festival Sign Ups

  • The Bridge Mustang (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Each person has distinct abilities and giftings to glorify God with. Fine Arts is an artistic showcase that gives students an opportunity to “discover” their God given gifts, “develop” their abilities through practice, and “deploy” the student in a safe area to minister to others and receive constructive feedback.

Every student in JAG Youth can participate in Fine Arts. There are a variety of areas where a student can improve their chosen art. Each student that participates in Fine Arts at the State level has an opportunity to go to the National level in Orlando Florida later this year as well. If a student chooses to participate, they will receive 1-on-1 training to hone the art they signed up to perform. There will also be scheduled practice hours at the church for students to practice. Fine Arts is a great place where student find out how God made them to do His will.

The Fine Arts Festival starts on April 4, 2025 and runs until April 5, 2025 and is held at the Bridge Mustang in Mustang, Oklahoma. Sign ups are already open, and you need to act fast, because sign ups close February 17, 2025. Each entry a student signs up for is a $35, and needs to be paid before the festival begins. In order to participate in Fine Arts, a student or parent needs to fill out the Fine Arts Sign Up form as well as the 2025 Student Waiver. (If you filled out the Student Waiver for the year already you do not need to fill it out again.)

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Camp Games
7:00 PM19:00

Camp Games

Camp signups are about to open and we want to give each student an idea of what camp is like on “Camp Games” night. On Camp Games night the students are split into color teams and they go head to head in some of the same games that they play at camp. There is free camp concession style food and a chance for a new winning color team to take the crown for a whole year. Ultimately, we want the students to know that camp is fun so they will want to attend. We will believe that camp changes lives, and if students attend camp God will change their lives there forever.

Make sure to wear some athletic type clothes and get ready to have some fun! There is no need to register just show up on March 12, 2025 before 7:00 pm and you will be included in some of the fun.

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Winter Jam
11:30 AM11:30

Winter Jam

We are going to Winter Jam again! Winter Jam is a concert with multiple top Christian artists from all types of genres. They take over Paycom center for a night full of worship and praising Jesus. There is singing, jumping, having a good time, and a salvation message for thousands to hear about the good news of Jesus!

It is $15 dollars cash at the door. We will leave the church at 11:30 am to head towards the downtown area to eat lunch and then get in line for the concert. The concert is about 3-4 hours long which will have your students back by 10:30 pm. In order for your student to attend we need you to fill out the Winter Jam Sign Up form and the 2025 Student Waiver. (If you have already filled out the Student Waiver for the year then you don’t have to fill it out again.)

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Speed the Light One Night
5:30 PM17:30

Speed the Light One Night

Missions giving is an essential part of being in the family of Christ. At our Speed the Light One Night rallies, students from all over the state gather at different locations on “one night” to learn about the Speed the Light giving initiative of the entire year. This is a unique opportunity where hundreds of students, including our own, get hear about a worldwide problem that they can play a part in fixing with the money that they give. The night will start with worship, the students will hear a mission minded message and will be told about the STL goal of the year. After the service the church provides a fun atmosphere where everyone can hang out, eat pizza, and enjoy time with students from their area. Our group will also stop by Braums on the way home, so make sure to send a little spending money with them.

We will leave the church promptly at 5:30 pm and we will return by 10:00 pm. The event is being held at Discovery church in Yukon, Oklahoma. In order for your student to be able to attend, we need a parent/guardian to fill out the student waiver below as well as fill out the form to register them for the STL One Night event. (You do not need to fill out the student waiver if you have already completed one for this year for your child.)

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Camp Games
11:00 AM11:00

Camp Games

Camp signups are about to open and we want to give each student an idea of what camp is like on “Camp Games” night. On Camp Games night, we take a break from normal services and split up into color teams and students go head to head in some of the games that we play at camp. Camp food is also provided to give students a real taste of what camp has in store for them.

Make sure to come prepared to run and have a good time! There is no need to register, just show up March 12, 2025 before 7:00 pm just like a normal Wednesday night service.

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Youth Fest
10:30 AM10:30

Youth Fest

We are going to Youth Fest in Sparks, Oklahoma at Camp Cargill!  Youth Fest is a fun time for students from all over Oklahoma to come together and a focus their attention on God and take a rest from school and the distractions of life!

Camp Name:  Camp Cargill
Location:  Sparks, OK (45 minutes from the church)
Dates:  October 18-19

Early Bird Registration: $70
After 10/01/2024: $85

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Sun N' Fun
to Aug 1

Sun N' Fun

Sun N’ Fun is Jones Assembly of God’s summer own summer events that happen every Thursday in the month of July. It is the perfect opportunity for your teen to spend time around other students from JAG Youth while also inviting friends that they wouldn’t otherwise hang out with. This year we are going to 3 different places.

July 18— We are going to Frontier City in Edmund.

July 25 —We are going to Wake Zone in downtown Oklahoma City.

You can register and pay for each event with the buttons below!

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Youth Camp 2024
to Jun 14

Youth Camp 2024

Youth camp, one of the greatest and most memorable time in a persons life. Youth camp is where hundreds of others students from Oklahoma gather to play games, get away from distractions, and get closer to God. Youth Camp is held at Camp Cargill located in Sparks Oklahoma just about 50 minutes away from the church. The dates are June 10-14 and the cost is $200. If you have any questions please feel to reach out to Pastor Gabriel at

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JAG Youth Garage Sale
to Apr 27

JAG Youth Garage Sale

Our JAG Youth is raising money for camp expenses through a garage sale being held at the FLC. If you would like to donate items, you can drop them off starting April 14th at the FLC.

Help spread the word, so our JAG Youth can raise a bunch of money!!

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Next Steps
1:00 PM13:00

Next Steps

Ever wondered after being a part JAG for a while, what are the Next Steps to get more involved?

Join us April 14th right after our morning service and we will give you all the info you need to take the “Next Steps” at JAG

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Fine Arts
to Apr 6

Fine Arts

Fine Arts is a talent oriented event where students from grade 6-12 can bring their giftings from different fields to showcase them in front of well known judges in their respective fields. This is a great time for students to discover, develop, and deploy their God given talents and abilities, while also getting constructive feedback to hone in those skills. It is also the first step into walking in the ministry that God has designed just for them. There is also a chance to advance to the National level to represent Oklahoma with some of the most talented students from across the nation.

The event goes from April 5-6 and cost per entry is $35.

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Easter at JAG
9:00 AM09:00

Easter at JAG

Pastor Steve will be bringing a special message about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and how only 3 days later rose from the grave to give us the ultimate sacrifice for all of our sins.

We will be having 2 identical services at 9:00am and 11:00am with a special brunch served in between.

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10:00 AM10:00


We will have cotton candy, popcorn, hot dogs, inflatables, face painting, 9,000+ eggs, and drawings for easter baskets, bikes and a zoo pass.

Did we mention it is all FREE.

Come early at 10:00am and enjoy all the festivities and the egg hunt will start at 11:30 or enjoy the festivities after the hunt until 1:00pm or both. We can’t wait to see everyone!!

Click here to pre-register for all the drawings

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Speed the Light One Night
5:00 PM17:00

Speed the Light One Night

One night where hundreds of students hear the gospel, hear about missions driven initiatives, and have the chance to pledge their time, talent, and treasure to help others around the world come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The event is from 5-10 pm held in Mustang Oklahoma. There will be snack food provided, but not a meal. We will leave the church on at 5:00 pm and will return to the church by 10 pm.

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Annual Business Meeting
12:30 PM12:30

Annual Business Meeting

Join us for our annual business meeting where we will discuss everything God has done for us in 2023 and what we are planning for 2024. We will also be sharing the current financials for the church and be available to answer any questions that you may have about the current status of the church and the direction we are heading.

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New to JAG Party
1:00 PM13:00

New to JAG Party

Are you new to JAG in 2023 or even 2024? Then come and join us for an exciting party celebrating you. We want to thank you for being a part of JAG and let you know about all the ministries and opportunities we provide through our church and community.

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Water Baptism
11:00 AM11:00

Water Baptism

Are you ready to take the next steps in your relationship in Christ by publicly proclaiming your faith through water baptism? Maybe it is time to come back to God. Either way, we want to provide anyone who would like to be baptized the opportunity during our normal worship service on February 11th.

There is a sign up sheet in the lobby.

If you have any questions about baptism or anything related to it, see one of our staff pastors for more information.

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Fast Forward
6:00 PM18:00

Fast Forward

As we close out our 21 days of fasting and praying, we want to invite you to a time of worship and prayer together at JAG. We will spend time thanking God for what he has done over the past 21 days and looking forward to what God is going to do in the lives of those in our church after the fast.

Following our worship and prayer service, we will have a time of food and fellowship in our Family Life Center to celebrate.

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21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
to Feb 4

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Join us as we collectively as a church spend time fasting and praying for our church, our family and our friends and community.

The purpose of biblical fasting is to set aside food and time to draw closer to Jesus and strive for a spiritual breakthrough.

What is the purpose of a fast
1. To personally encounter the Lord
2. To pray for a breakthrough
3. To seek greater understanding

Click here to learn more about Fasting

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